Elvis Guillen

I'm a front-end engineer and VR Developer that focuses on outstanding interactive experiences that make sure your brands vision and identity
stay consistent.

Spatial Computing

Virtual Reality

Using Unreal Engine and other 3D software, I build VR Games and Immersive Experiences. I also attended Oculus Launchpad 2020.

Web and App Development

Front End Engineering

I'm currently at Teambuildr where I'm rebuilding and creating new features using React and React Native. I have 10 years of experience building, designing and protoyping interactive websites and apps for fast-paced agencies and clients.

© Elvis Guillen. All rights reserved.

Thank you!

Accumsan tortor posuere ac ut consequat. Viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat. Habitant morbi tristique.

VR Projects

Front End Work

Quadcopter Pilot Simulation

Drone Simulator VR

Drone Simulator is a VR physics based quadcopter simulation that allows you to realistically interact with a drone. It uses vertical and positional stabilization and a twin stick controller with a screen to view it’s gimbal camera. The physics based hands allows you to launch and catch the drone from your hand and manipulate it in flight.

  • Built with Unreal Engine and VR Expansion Plugin.

  • Drone was based on a marketplace drone that was adapted and rebuilt for VR interactions and tuned to feel like flying and interacting with a consumer DJI drone.

VR Tactical Hero Shooter


Novareach is team based tactical-hero shooter in VR. Win and level up with your team in a competitive 3v3 match to attack or defend an objective. You have 7 rounds to take it all featuring a diverse cast each with unique character abilities.

  • Uses the Gameplay Ability System in Unreal Engine for networked abilities and weapon mechanics built with Blueprints and C++.

  • Time based rounds with different round phases stored in a unique state object structure. Provides an easy way to create a child phase like “Buy Phase” and add blueprint logic on phase start and end.

  • Cross Platform multiplayer using Amazon Gamelift’s dedicated servers, and listen servers using Oculus and Steam subsystems. User and progression management with Playfab.

  • Networked IK Body using third party VR IK Body plugin, and other plugins like VR Expansion.

Holi VR:
Festival of Colours

Made for the 2020 Oculus Start Game Jam, Holi VR: Festival of Colours is a beautiful representation of the Indian festival of Holi.

Clarifai React Project

As a weekend hackathon, I created a simple static web application that uses the Clarifai Deep Learning API to classify images. The app supports drag and drop functionality to upload images locally, then pre-processes them to base64 for the AI to infer and render concepts. I built this experience with React, Bootstrap, GatsbyJS, Webpack, SASS, and GSAP to animate interactions between intentions.

Height Capital Markets

Working closely with Spoke's Creative Director we built Height Capital Market's new interactive website as part of a greater identity and branding package. We established an internal framework based on the JAM Stack to adapt with moving trends like PWA's, secure static sites, and fast CDN delivery. It consists of libraries like React, GatsbyJS, Webpack, GraphQL, Netlify, and NetlifyCMS.

ISF Advisors

ISF Advisors approached Spoke for a web redesign using their new brand guidelines. We designed and developed an interactive website that embodied their new direction. I used our same internal React framework to take advantage of PWA's offline access, speed, and security because access from places with limited internet was essential. Instead of NetlifyCMS, I used Wordpress as a headless JSON API alongside GraphQL.

Always Nothing

As a collaboration with creatives in Orlando 2015, I produced the brand, logo, and website for Always Nothing, a platform to support local culture. For full control of the interface, I built the front end using Backbone.js, Marionette, Node and used Wordpress as a decoupled JSON API + CMS. I used video backgrounds, responsive designs, and animations to highlight the content of the site.

Strength and Conditioning Software


At Teambuildr I’m designing and building new and legacy features for their Strength and Conditioning apps using React and React Native. I’ve built, designed and prototyped screens like login and registration, leaderboards, real time messaging, reseller commerce pages and our multi-user interface Weight Room View. As the first React dev I set up a proper collaborative framework and design system that helped onboard a growing team.


The talented designers at Hatchery approached me with a custom overhaul to their Marketplace and Editorial pages. As the front-end developer, I created a pixel-perfect adaptation of their design and implemented it on a custom theme for Wordpress and Woocommerce. Using AJAX for infinite scrolling and category loading, we were able to build a fast asynchronous interface for the editorial section that improved the site's overall usability.



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Justo eget magna sed fermentum iaculis eu dolore diam phasellus vestibulum amet facilisi.


Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque. Etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum tellus.


Sed tempus urna et pharetra. Purus sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc. Purus sit amet volutpat.

Diam consequat

Magna aliquam

In egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi. Quis auctor elit sed vulputate. Sed etiam erat aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin.